WIP - WPF App that extracts Part Atom XML from Revit Families

In the previous blog post, we created a console application that extracts the Part Atom XML from a Revit family. This XML contains information from the family such as, name, category, update date, and active type parameters. Some Commercial content management software have a way around this to show all parameters. This is not really important in the context of this experiment.

I tried to convert the console app into a WPF app manually without any luck, but I found out the hard way that it is easier to start a WPF application from scratch and copy the functions over the new solution/project. After just a couple of tweaks, I was back in business.

Quickly enough I had to get used to data binding in order to present XML content on the UI form. My first test was just to get the XML and bind it to a text block in the form.

We are going to try to keep learning and building this up to show family types and its parameters.

Follow the development from the Repo.

WPF application that reads the Part Atom XML from a Revit family - summonidea/summon-family